grant county chamber of commerce
Why Join?
The Grant County Chamber of Commerce is comprised of businessmen and women, private individuals and community organizations working in partnership to make Grant County a better place in which to live, work and visit.
What is a Chamber?
An organization of business owners, community organizations and
entrepreneurs who promote the interests of their local business community.
- Provides access to valuable resources, discounts to local businesses and
promotes building relationships that help businesses save money and
market their products. - Joining a chamber can boost sales and improve a local business’ visibilityand credibility
- Takes an active role in the industrial, educational and economic growth
for Grant County.
Chamber is a . . .
Business Network – Made up individuals who invest their time and money into the organization with the general goal of advancing Grant County’s economic well-being.
Sixty-three percent of customers respond more favorably to businesses
that are a member of a local chamber of commerce.
The chamber is not a government entity – a chamber will often lobby the
government (local, state and national) to ensure the chapter’s legislative
agenda is represented.
Meet & Greets
The Grant County Chamber of Commerce provides networking opportunities at monthly breakfast meetings as well as Business After 5 mixers for employees. These meetings foster discussion of business strategies.
The Grant County Chamber relies on the partnership with the local business community and organizations. Chamber Ambassadors (a group of chamber volunteers) work to recruit and retain new members and assists them in actively using the chamber’s services.
The local impact of the chamber:
- Celebrations/ribbon cuttings/grand openings
- Network gatherings
- Events (sponsorship/planning)
Membership gives you…
- Access to an email blast to all chamber members
- A monthly newsletter/calendar
- Listing on the chamber web site
- Facebook/social media
- Visibility at monthly breakfasts and other mixers and Meet & Greet events
- Member Spotlight Opportunities offering additional promotions on our website, social media, emails and podcast
Access to Community Information
We offer accessibility to community information and updates through multiple channels including social media and chamber emails.
Advocacy: Working for You
The chamber advocates on local issues, as well as works hand in hand with tourism and economic development to promote Grant County as a good place to live and work. It connects business to community leaders and the general public.
Education & Professional Development
We will be offering ongoing workshops and programs to help you manage and grow your business.
Marketing Opportunities
We offer avenues to promote your company’s news through our website, emails, social media, and podcast.